You can make a difference. Potter’s House is a not-for-profit, faith-based ministry, supported entirely by the generous donations of individuals, businesses and churches. Without this financial support, we could not stay open for the thousands of students who come here for support, encouragement, mentoring, and community every year. Meeting the annual budget can only be accomplished through the regular, generous donations of people just like yourself.
Become a Place Setter - our monthly givers
One who helps provide a student a place at the Table. One who prays, gives, and encourages. Simply click on the link below and select “Regularly” under “Frequency”. Every amount is so valuable to this ministry and reaching our mission field. Thank you for partnering with us. We’re praying for you!
Ministry Feature:
Parking lot partners
You could provide a parking space for students! We are praying for 25 individuals to pledge $2,000. This will do the major repair of the existing parking lot, make smooth transitions and proper drainage, install 2” asphalt overlay, stripe 25 parking spaces, crosswalks and handicap parking.